“Now presenting their royal highnesses, Prince Shin Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin and Princess Kuritsu of Asahi…”
The throne room went silent as the giant doors opened blinding everyone looking towards them. As they compeletely opened the silhouette of five figures appeared. Chloe breathed a sigh of relief because one of them was of a girl so it couldn’t have been the people that they had fought earlier.
Se7en seeing the same as Chloe gave a smirk towards Jaelin who stood with an emotionless face as he looked on as the sihlouttes began to fade as the doors closed revealing the Asahi royals true figures.
“What the!!! IT’S THEM!!!” Chloe screamed as she jumped up from her seat coughing out the wine she had just took a sip of.
“Who … noona..” Jaelin said as he bowed towards the five strangers who acknowledged and confidently walked towards the King and Queen.
Junsu looked around with great curiousity as the others simply looked forward remembering their protocol training. Just as they passed Lord Dong Wook, Junsu noticed Sierra and tugged on Yoochun’s arm, “Hyung.. isn’t that…”
Yoochun quickly turned to him and gave him the “shut up and just smile look”. Junsu let go of Yoochun’s arm and turned again to look at Sierra, but she had disappeared into the crowd, hmm… odd I swore that I just saw … but why would Sierra be here… he thought to himself as he continued to walk.
The five stopped and bowed, “We are the princes and princess of Asahi. Greetings your majesties” Yunho said as the representative of his siblings.
“My my… welcome welcome..” the king said as he smiled greatly seeing that the four princes and princess were so well mannered and attractive looking. Then he turned to his own children.. Well… I guess one out of five is better than nothing the king sighed and then smiled as he waved his hand to let them get up. Then the King turned to Jaelin who nodded in response.
“As Crown Prince of Cheonson, on behalf of the King, the Queen, the royal family and the people, I would like to welcome you to Cheonson, Shin princess and princes.” Jaelin said as he bowed towards them.
Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin bowed and Kuri curtseyed once again.
“Thank you for the hospitality and thank you for allowing Crown Prince Jae Joong to receive immediate care as soon as we got to the palace.” Yunho said as he rose from the bow.
“It is quite alright, but why is the Crown Prince of Asahi injured…” Jaelin said as he looked straight at Lord Dong Wook, “I am sure he did not sustain the injury while in Cheonson…. “ and then Jaelin turned and looked at his sisters, who put their head down to avoid eye contact.
“I am sadden to report that it indeed did occur while we were in Cheonson, Crown Prince Jaelin.” Yunho said as he turned to his problematic brothers, “ But we are not completely out of fault either..”
“But before we discuss any matters further…Let us formally introduce ourselves.” Jaelin said as he pointed to his sisters who stood up, starting with Chloe, “Eldest Princess of Cheonson, Princess Chloe, I am the second eldest, Jaelin, next to Chloe nooona is Princess Angie, third eldest. Beside her is Princess Jane, fourth eldest and last but not least, my youngest sister Princess Bea.”
Right after the introduction, the girls looked at Jaelin as if to say they didn’t want to greet them, but Jaeliin shot an angry glare at them and the girls though unwilling, curtseyed and then sat down.
“I am Shin Yunho the second eldest, in order are Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin and Kuritsu.” Prince Yunho said the five bowed once again.
The room went silent for a while with Lord Dong Wook and Lady Shelly having a displeased look since it appeared as if they were being annoyed.
Jaelin noticed this, “Ah .. Princes and Princess of Asahi.. May I present, Lord Dong Wook and Lady Shelly of Amuka.”
Both parties looked at one another, both Prince Yunho and Lord Dong Wook sizing up one another and then bowed.
Jaelin turned to his father, “ Father, seeing that this may take a while to clear things….”
The king before Jaelin could finish, “Yes.. yes… Jaelin I leave this matter to you … do as you see fit..”
“Yes father..” Jaelin bowed and then turned to his sisters, “Bea, Jane..”
The two stood up, “Yes oppa..”
“Please escort Prince Junsu, Changmin and Princess Kuritsu and her companion Kiri to my quarters.”
“Yes oppa.” Jane and Angie said as they curtseyed and then walked to the princes and princess, “Please follow us.”
As the younger royals began to walk away Kuri turned to Changmin and whispered, “How did Prince Jaelin know about Kiri?”
Changmin not knowing the answer gave a smile and shrugged.
“What is with you?? And here I thought you were the smartest one!” Kuri said with anger and frustration as she stepped on his foot.
Bea stopped and turned around causing Changmin to bump into her and fall back, “There are two reasons that oppa may have known. One.. oppa gained another power and hasn’t bothered to tell any of us yet? Or two… BK unnie told him about you all … either way please follow me, “ Bea held out her hand, helped Changmin up and with a smile said, “If you are still hungry… I can give you some more sweets that I made? This time they won’t have a sleeping potion on them.”
Bea giggled as Changmin’s face began to turn red and then she turned and continued leading them through the palace. Jane quickly followed Bea ignoring the Junsu who was trying to catch her attention with winks and giggles. Junsu stopped at where Kuri and Changmin had stopped, patted Changmin on the head and then continued after Jane, but keeping a few steps away f, but keeping a few steps away from her just incase Jane out of nowhere decided to throw out a potion to turn him into a sheep or other farm animal.
Changmin looked at Bea as she walked away, then received a blow to the head, “Ouw!!!”
Kuri turned to him and shook her head in disappointment, “I swear.. your apetite will be the death of us one of these days..Either.. because you have depleted the world’s food supply or you’ll blindly run into a trap that has food involved.. either way we die because of that stomach of yours…Learn some restraint will you..Or does Kiri have to tear out a piece of your stomach out?”
Changmin annoyed quickly hit Kuri on the butt and ran off towards the others turning around with his tongue stuck out and hands waving back and forth, leaving a flaming Kuri behind, You oppas are all the same.. darn boys… I hope all these princesses give you hell!!! she thought to herself as she stomped her way following the others.
While back at the throne room…
“So you say Crown Prince Jae Joong’s injuries were sustained while in the city…why were we at the palace unaware of your arrival? “ Prince Jaelin said towards Prince Yunho as Jaelin took a step down closer to Yunho and Dong Wook.
Yunho observed Prince Jaelin’s appearance and behavior and sensed that he had power, but was not any way danger
Yunho observed Prince Jaelin’s appearance and behavior and sensed that he had power, but was not any way dangerous. He also wondered why he too was wearing a mask like Black Knight, “Your highness..We take responsibility on that part. We had arrived days ahead of schedule and we decided that before coming to the palace, we wanted to learn more of Cheonson by journeying around the city as commoners.”
“But does that include causing problems within our kingdom!! And try to take advantage and harass woment!!!” Princess Chloe blurted out as she pointed at Prince Yoochun while forming a fireball in her hand.
Yoochun winked at Chloe and with a smile raised his hand to as water begun to surround his hand. Yunho glared at Yoochun to stop, but Yoochun gave him a look as if telling him if he wasn’t prepared.. Chloe would definitely kill him or at least try to.
“Noona… now… “ Jaelin said as he waved his had causing the water and fire to disappear, “ is that how you treat your future dongsaeng??”
Chloe looked at Jaelin with anger, pouted and then sat back in her seat harshly grabbing the wine cup and drinking its contents. The two princes looked at one another surprised that there was another person that had the same power as their hyung and the Black Knight. Lord Dong Wook rolled his eyes, Always showing off you girl prince!!.
Yunho quickly bowed, “ I apologize for my brother… He is …”
“Prince Yunho is quite alright.. as you can see.. my noona is not one to take lightly as well .. “
“Thank you. It was not our intention to cause any problems while in the city. Our only intention was to learn more about Cheonson and the people.”
Angie, who until now had said nothing but kept her eyes focused on Yunho the entire time, leaned forward in her chair and placed her hand on her chin with a soft yet seductive look, “ And I suppose you, sneaking into the Palace and spying on us were all part of your emersion into Cheonson as well?”
Yunho looked at Princess Angie who gave him a wink, “um… “
Lord Dong Wook seeing this as an opportunity to get back on the good graces of the king and queen after the embarrassment he face at the hand of Jaelin, stepped forward and with great authority said, “Yes… Even though you are a Prince of Asahi to do so is still against the law. What do you have to say for yourself?”
“Should you even be involved in this hyung? “ Jaelin said as the two exchanged looks.
“Now Jaelin, Dong Wook brings up a good point… Explain yourselves..” the king said as he looked at Yunho.
“I shall take full responsibility for that. My brothers did not know of this, while they were about in the city, I decided on my own to come and find out more about the royal family because we were not given much information on Cheonson’s royal family. It was not meant to be harmful in any matter.. as you can see my younger brothers all are .. a tad rambunctious, so I wanted to make sure that we did would not do anything to anger the Cheonson royal family when we came to present ourselves”, Yunho said as he bowed.
“Nice speech but it still doesn’t change the fact that your actions go against Cheonson laws and what of the assassins from Asahi that were sent to kill the princesses,” Dong Wook said even though he knew that those he had fought were the Shin Princes, but he decided to take advantage of the confusion to force Yunho into a corner.
Talk amongst the nobles began to erupt as Yoochun and Yunho looked at one another thinking the worse may occur.
“Your highness..since I was initially the one who brought this case before you … may I take responsibility and see that justice is dealt?” Lord Dong Wook said as he knelt down before the king.
“That is truly a noble gesture Dong Wook, please rise” the king said as he looked at Jaelin who was more focused on the two Asahi princes, “but it is Jaelin’s duty as Crown Prince to oversee this…”
“I see…” Dong Wook said as he turned toward Jaelin with a hard stare, “Then I hope that Crown Prince Jaelin will seek be able to make the right decision and punish those who have committed a crime.”
“Thank you for your concern hyung..” Jaelin said as he bowed toward Dong Wook, “though I may not be experienced as you when it comes to dealing out punishment… I am quite aware of all the laws of Cheonson and what is right and wrong.”
Just as Jaelin said that the throne room once again fell into silence, “Prince Yunho, you say you are willing to take full responsibility for any crimes you have committed correct?”
“Yes Crown Prince Jaelin.” Yunho said as he bowed and then pulled out his saber, “I lay my life and my honor as Prince of Asahi and Captain of the Royal Guard in your hands to do what you see fit.”
Yoochun seeing the self sacrifice that his hyung had, began to tear up and then quickly bowed as well, “ I also lay my life and my honor as Prince of Asahi in your hands for any offenses I have committed against Cheonson and Princess Chloe.”
Jaelin walked down towards the two and place his hands on their shoulders, “There is no need for your lives.. and though I greatly admire your act of courage.. I must find out the truth so our laws can not be infringed on. Prince Yunho, you have admitted to unlawfully entering Cheonson Palace and spying on the Cheonson Royal family.”
“Yes..” Yunho said unwavering.
“And Prince Yoochun you have admitted that you are aware you have committed offenses towards Princess Chloe.”
“Yes..” Yoochun said softly.
“By law Prince Yunho, you would be sentenced to death for the crimes and Prince Yoochun, you would be sentenced to life in prison” Jaelin said as the two brothers looked at eachother both ready to face any punishment set before them. Chloe instead of a satisfied smile hearing that the two would be punished instead had a concerned look, Would Jaelin really make those sentences??? What about….
Lord Dong Wook had a small grin that though he was not able to do anything to Jaelin… he would still be able to do something to the Princes from Asahi.. either way.. it would benefit him.
“But… since there were extenuating circumstances… those punishments will not be handed out.”
“BOH???” everyone in the throne room said out loud as they heard Prince Jaelin’s verdict. Once again the room bustled with side chatter. Yunho and Yoochun look at each other, Yunho… wondering if there was something up with this decision.. Yoochun just happy that he would not have to spend the rest of his youth in a prison cell.
“What is this!!!” Lord Dong Wook yelled out causing all the side chatter to stop, “You highness… Prince Jaelin is being to kind…”
“Lord Dong Wook!!! Though you may be considered family. I have been given the authority to judge as I see fit!!!” Prince Jaelin said harshly as they stared at one another. Dong Wook sensing that Jaelin was not going to back down or even show the respect Jaelin usually does to him as a hyung, bowed and backed off.
“ As Prince Yunho explained, his only intent was to become more aware of the situation that he and his brothers were walking into. I have sent scouts to Asahi to gather information of the Asahi Royal family so I would also be guilty of the same offense. Angie knew and yet did not reveal the fact that she had seen anyone spying.. so she would be at fault as well. Regarding the issue of Prince Yoochun and Noona Chloe… The incident occurred while noona was outside the palace.. Prince Yoochun did not know the identity of noona and I believe that he had no intentions of harming her… more like she has intentions of harming him” Jaelin said and then turned to his family, “We all know that noona would retaliate.. So one acation negates the other… “
“Your majesty!!!” Lord Dong Wook said with anger as he took a step forward towards the king and queen.
“Lord Dong Wook… my patience grow smaller for your intrusions… once more and I will have to request that you and Lady Shelly be escorted out of Cheonson.. This is a matter between Cheonson and Asahi… Amuka should not become involved in a matter that they have no right to become involved in.”
Lady Shelly hearing that Jaelin wanted to kick them out of Cheonson ran up to her brother pulling him back before a blood bath would occur between the Dong Wook and Jaelin. First she tried to nudge him but that did not work so she used all her power to drag him a few steps back and then rushed up to Jaelin holding on to his arm.
“Oppa!! How can you say that?? Don’t you love me?? And Se7en oppa only is tyring to help you… Don’t..” but before she could say anything else Jaelin pulled away from her embrace.
“Lady Shelly… though I am fond of you “ Jaelin said emotionless as Shelly’s face lit up as this was the first time Jaelin had ever said anything close to a confession, “as a dongsaeng.. You too should know your station and not interfere.”
Lady Shelly’s face went from hope to that of sadness and in a burst of tears she ran out of the throne room. Dong Wook seeing this ordered Sierra to go after his sister and then he glared at Jaelin, but Jaelin nonchalantly walked passed him.as if he were nothing. You pompous brat… Just wait .. One day I’ll knock you off your pedestal and make you grovel at my feet, Lord Dong Wook thought to himself as he tried unsuccessfully to hide his rage.
“But if Lord Dong Wook wants to becomed involved in matters of Cheonson and Asahi… then so be it” Jaelin said as he continued to walk towards the door, “Prince Yunho…”
“Yes Prince Jaelin..” Yunho said unsure of what game Prince Jaelin was trying to play, but he knew that Prince Jaelin meant no harm towards them and was trying to protect them. Seeing this behavior Prince Yunho could not help but wonder why.
“You said that Crown Prince Jae Joong was injured… how , where and why was he injured?”
“Jae Joong hyung was shot with a poisoned arrow while we were quarreling with the Princesses… Black Knight said it was an arrow from Amuka.”
“So… the assassins that you and Sierra claimed were from Asahi.. were in fact the Princes from Asahi… Lord Dong Wook.” Jaelin said as he turned back to face Dong Wook.
Damn… Dong wook thought, “ ….”
“Hmm if you aren’t sure.. let me ask my sisters then.. Chloe noona… Angie… are these two of the five that you fought against earlier today?”
Angie and Chloe looked at each other… do they speak the truth or try to save Dong Wook because they knew Jaelin was aiming to put Lord Dong Wook in his place… Just as Chloe decided to lie to protect Lord Dong Wook, she turned to look at Yoochun and in that action … shattered any hopes of helping out Dong Wook.
“Die you pervert!!! “ Chloe screamed as she pulled out one of her butterfly swords and threw it a Yoochun. With a wink, smile and a motion of a kiss… Yoochun had been able to light a fire under Chloe that made Chloe loose complete control. He is the first person that has ever made her lose control and she hated him for this.. or… maybe … just maybe…
Jaelin pulled his sword, deflecting Chloe’s butterfly and then catching it, “tsk… tsk.. “
Jaelin looked at his sister and let out a laugh that surprised everyone, well except Yunho and Yoochun, “I see you have the hots for that one don’t you?”
“Jaelin!!! You brat!!!!” Chloe yelled as she got out of her seat, walked up to Jaelin snatching back her sword, and under her breath said, “Don’t think you know everything ok?!?!?”
As she made her way past Jaelin, Chloe stopped infront of Yoochun and stared at him, “Jaelin won’t be here to protect you next time!!! I’m gonna get you … I swear..”
Yoochun smiled, “ Really??? Is that a promise???”
“Yoochun…” Yunho grumbled as he looked at his shameless brother.
Chloe knew that she would not be able to do anything to Yoochun here, walked away, bumping into Yoochun and knocking down the guards at the door.
“Hmm.. well I take it that the princes were the “assassins” then.” Jaelin said, “ Lord Dong Wook.. you are now hereby charged with an attempted assassination of the Crown Prince of Asahi.”
“What?!?!?” everyone said as all gasped at Jaelin’s proclamation.
“But Jaelin…” Dong Wook began to say, but then noticed the serious look on Prince Jaelin and took a step back, “I mean Prince Jaelin…how was I suppose to know that they were the Princes of Asahi….They were in the midst of battle with the Princesses… I merely intervened to ensure their safety… “
“A mere intervention… WOULD NOT REQURE THE USE OF AN ARROW LACED WITH POISON!!!” Jaelin said loudly as he turned and pointed at Dong Wook.
Damn… that brat is seriously out to get me… where did this come from.. the last time I saw him.. he was more like a girl than anything…. What… Dong Wook thought to himself nervously and then turned to the King, “Your majesty…”
“Father has given me rights to goven as I see fit Lord Dong Wook… he will not go back on his word. A leader must not go back on his word.” Jaelin said as he turned and bowed.
“I am sorry Dong Wook… Jaelin is right… and you must explain yourself as well.. You know our laws.. “ the King said reluctantly because though he did want to try to help Dong Wook, he did hadn over all control to Jaelin.
“Thank you father… “ Jaelin turned back to Dong Wook, “Now… did you or did you not order Shoei to fire a poisoned arrow at the “so called assassins”?”
“…..” Dong Wook had to think carefully.
“Did you or did you not?? If you do not answer.. I will send the guards to bring Shoei in and question her myself…”
“Yes… yes .. I did order, but I did not know who they were at the time.. It was not until we reached the palace when Sierra informed me they were from Asahi..”
“Sierra??? Shoei??... Hyung do you think??” Yoochun whispered to Yunho, who bit his lip to tell Yoochun to shut up.
If it really is Sierra… then why did she say we were assassins? Why is she here in Cheonson… Her family were… Yunho thought to himself as he continued to listen to the interrogation. He turned to look at Lord Dong Wook, Lord Dong Wook of Amuka… what are your true intentions….
“Shoei is from Asahi!!! How can she not recognize the princes of Asahi!!!” Jaelin yelled out.
“But it has been many years since she had been in Asahi.. how would she remember…”
“Surely as a member of a family that served the Shin Royal family personally… would be able to recognize the princes… “
“I did not know that Prince Jaelin…”
“I’m sure you didn’t… “ Jaelin walked up to Dong Wook and placed his hand on Dong Wook’s shoulder lightly patting it, “…hyung, but that is beside the point.. That shot had the intent to kill, Shoei is a skilled archer.. she knows to aim for vital points on the body… if BK was not there to save him.. CHEONSON WOULD BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STUPID ACT AMUKA COMMITTED. HOW WOULD WE BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN OURSELVES TO ASAHI… THAT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT THAT THEIR CROWN PRINCE DIED?!?!?”
Lord Dong Wook looked around and saw that all the nobles were gawking and gving uneasy looks at him. Jaelin had just done what he himself tried to do to Jaelin… Jaelin had turned the entire room against him…even the king’s expression toward Dong Wook had changed from pity/support to anger and frustration. Knowing that any further argument would just lead to more trouble on his part, Lord Dong Wook fell to his knee and lowered his head, “Please forgive me, it was a mistake that I know is not forgivable.”
Then Lord Dong Wook turned to Prince Yunho and Yoohcun, biting his lips he knelt before them, “Asahi Princes… I ask for forgiveness… It was my mistake… I was misinformed..”
“Lord Dong Wook… were you not just saying that exceptions should not be made… even if it was a crime committed by that of a royal family member?”
“Though this act was committed in Cheonson… I shall leave the judgement to be passed by Asahi” Jaelin looked at Yunho and Yoochun, “Princes of Asahi… Lord Dong Wook has admitted to injurying/ almost killing the Crown Prince.. I leave it to you to decide his punishment… and Cheonson will carry out the punishment.”
Prince Yoochun without much thinking, only acting on the emotions of seeing his hyung almost die, “Kill him!!!! Let me shoot an arrow laced with poison at him!!! So he too can feel the pain.”
“No!!” Prince Yunho said cutting off Yoochun, “It is all a big misunderstanding.. that we are the root of… Let it all end here… Prince Jaelin..on behalf of Asahi, I wish to look into this matter no further and that no punishment be handed down on Lord Dong Wook…”
Jaelin looked at Yunho, whose eyes clearly reflected his true intentions, “So shall it be done… Lord Dong Wook…”
“Yes.. Prince Jaelin..” Dong Wook said with an angry tone.
“Hyung, please rise.. the issue has been settled…but let this set precedence that though Cheonson and Amuka are close… You have no right to interfere with matters regarding Cheonson… especially that between Asahi and Cheonson… We will settle our family matters ourselves… “
Lord Dong Wook stood up, looked at Jaelin, the king and queen and bowed. He turned to Yunho and Yoochun, glared at them and then walked off..
I’ll let you win this time Jaelin… but you won’t win forever… Lord Dong Wook thought to himself as he walked out of the throne room heading towards the palace gates. When you do fall … I’ll make sure you disappear for good..
“Lord Se7en .. what happened?? Did your plans succeed?” one of his soldiers said as he greeted Lord Dong Wook a few feet from the palace gate.
Dong Wook looked at him expressionless, which confused the soldier. Suddenly his eyes turned red and is expression changed, he punched the soldier in the stomach.
“Lord Se7en….” The soldier said as he fell over onto Dong Wook, “Urahhhh!!!!!!!”
With that scream, the Oninoken tore into the soldier and began to absorb all the blood and energy from the soldier. Dong Wook watched with satisfaction as the soldier struggled as he slowly began to wither away until nothing but the soldier’s clothing was left. He threw off the clothes that hung on his sword and looked at the glistening blood.
An evil smile appeared as he licked some of the remaining blood off the sword and his assassins knelt before him in fear. The sword sunk back into his hand and Dong Wook returned to a cold and angrying demeanor as he got on his horse. The assassins all got up off their knees and too mounted their horses, “My lord.. what are we to do now..”
Dong Wook looked back towards the Cheonson palace, “Let them enjoy themselves for now… The fun has just begun… Be it that pompous weakling of a Prince Jaelin or those Princes from Asahi… anyone that gets in the way of what I want will die!!! Now return to the fortress!!! Sierra and I have some discussion to do.."

YAH!!! That Se7en…. TwT sooo scary!!!! Hahahhaha sorry you Se7en fans out there… he’s the main baddie fo the story .. and I’m gonna make his the most evil, demonic baddie ever…. Well at least he looks good right?? Hahhaha
Things that were revealed:

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